A health professional’s personal cancer journey: Sally’s cancer experience featured as the cover story in the Winter edition of inscope, the official journal of the Queensland Nurses and Midwives Union:
The view from the other side: A nurse’s personal cancer journey
Clinical Nurse Consultant, mother of two and QNMU member Sally Kriel was diagnosed with stage 1 bowel cancer in August 2018. In this article, Sally shares her unique experience as a patient through the eyes of a skilled nurse in a bid to raise awareness of the prevalence of bowel cancer. Read story
Sally also did some videos for Bowel Cancer Awareness month which was in June. These are on the BUPA facebook page:
Sally joined Cancer Voices earlier this year with an interest in representative work, particularly support for younger adults with cancer and improving timely diagnosis of colorectal cancer.
Sally has also become involved in our Consumer Involvement in Research (CIR) Program. For more information on our CIR Program, see https://www.cancervoices.org.au/consumer-involvement-in-research-program/