From Consumers Health Forum Australia
A new survey had just been launched on Australia’s Health Panel. The topic of this survey is: October 2021-Private healthcare
A new survey had just been launched on Australia’s Health Panel. The topic of this survey is: October 2021-Private healthcare
The inaugural Thoracic Oncology Group of Australasia (TOGA) ASM 2021 22-23 July – Equity in innovation in Multidisciplinary lung cancer care Lung cancer screening, neoadjuvant treatment, the future influence of biomarker-driven treatments for lung cancer, the challenges of overcoming inequities in quality care, thought-provoking multi-disciplinary discussion, innovative clinical research and clinical trial concept development workshops.…
Sydney Cancer Conference 2021 September 9-10, 2021 – Bridging research and practice The University of Sydney is proud to host the seventh Sydney Cancer Conference, a national forum showcasing existing and emerging strengths in cancer research across Australia ‘featuring all areas of cancer research – basic biomedical, public health, clinical and psychosocial – making the…
The Australian Clinical Trials Alliance (ACTA), together with event partners MTPConnect, Bellberry and Medicines Australia, and supporters, the National Health and Medical Research Centre (NHMRC), CT:IQ (Clinical Trials: Thinking Smarter), Medical Technology Association of Australia (MTAA), and Research Australia, hosted the Clinical Trials 2021 National Tribute & Awards Ceremony on 20 May 2021 to mark…
It is with pleasure that I present the Cancer Voices NSW 2020 Annual Report highlighting the activities of our twentieth year. 2020 was a special and significant milestone in the history of Cancer Voices – our 20th anniversary, two decades of providing the voice of those affected by cancer, a rather significant achievement for a 100% volunteer organisation. 2020 turned out to be a year like no other and as such we will do more to acknowledge and reflect on this milestone when circumstances allow.
Patient and health sector feedback is still sought on a draft prostate cancer Position Statement created by the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists’ (RANZCR) Faculty of Radiation Oncology.
All men with prostate cancer need to ensure that they have opinions for treatment from both a radiation oncologist as well as the surgeon who diagnoses the cancer. There is strong evidence now for radiation therapy being as effective as surgery in curing prostate cancer.