From CHF:
CHF Board appoints Elizabeth Deveny to CEO Role
Consumers Health Forum of Australia (CHF) has announced the appointment of Dr Elizabeth Deveny to the role of Chief Executive Officer.
Dr Deveny was appointed Interim CEO on 22 August following the retirement of Leanne Wells in August after seven years as CEO.
Dr Deveny is a highly experienced CEO with expertise in the health, government, and digital sectors which includes success in innovative policy development and implementation.
She holds a Master of Education and completed a Doctor of Philosophy on the topic of clinical decision-making at the University of Melbourne.
Most recently she worked as a Special Advisor in the Commonwealth Department of Health and Ageing. Prior to that, she served as the CEO of the South Eastern Melbourne Primary Health Network for more than six years.
Dr Deveny is also Chair of the Australian Digital Health Agency Board.
Cancer Voices has had a long relationship with CHF. We welcome Dr Deveny to her new role and looks forward to meeting her soon.