Consumer Representation
Our consumers are involved in organisations such as:
- Cancer Council NSW
- Cancer Council Australia
- Cancer Institute NSW
- NSW Ministry of Health
- Health Consumers NSW
- Cancer Australia
- National Health & Medical Research Council
- Consumers’ Health Forum of Australia
- Professional Colleges
- Research and cancer research funding organisations
- Individual cancer type organisations
Cancer consumer representatives also sit on many working parties for site-specific cancers (e.g. breast, prostate, bowel, lung, etc) for their own member organisations, and at state and national levels.
To request a consumer representative please complete the online form.
All our consumer representatives are trained. Information about training to be a consumer representative or consumer advocacy can be found at Consumer Training.
Consumer Representation Policy Statement
Cancer Voices NSW operates on Best Practice Principles of Consumer Participation (see position statement). When we nominate a Consumer Representative, it means we have confidence that person will be able to offer the broad view of people affected by cancer – as best they can – not just their own individual view. Our nominee takes a place on a committee to offer a cancer consumer perspective – i.e. representing the needs and interests of people affected by cancer. He or she is not expected to provide a CVN organisational view, only the Chair, or delegated Office Bearers need to do that, and very occasionally.