Sarah Lukeman
Committee Member

Sarah Lukeman joined the Executive Committee in 2017. Her personal experience with cancer began in 2006 when she was diagnosed with a rare form of acute leukaemia and participated in a clinical trial.
Her particular interest is advocacy for regional cancer voices and their inclusion in research and clinical trials. Sarah’s specific areas of interest include financial toxicity, psychosocial support, equity of access, and challenging the level of health literacy required by the system for real patient-centred care and codesign.
Sarah’s other areas of involvement include: Community Engagement Coordinator at Hunter Cancer Research Alliance (HCRA); consumer representation on NSW Regional Health Partners (RHP) Cancer Research Translation and Capacity Building (CRTC) Steering Committee; Clinical Trials: Thinking Smarter (CT:IQ) Steering Committee; Chairing RHP External Advisory Committee (EAC); and Cancer Council NSW (CCNSW) CanAct Leader. Her project work includes: CT:IQ Participant Information Consent Form review team member (InFORMed); the HCRA Symposium Organising Committee in 2020 and 2021; a consumer buddy for a number of researchers; and sitting on funding panels for Cancer Council NSW and HCRA.
Sarah was an elected member on Singleton Council from 2016-2021 and has sat on many not-for-profit boards, co-ops and committees and is part of a growing grass-roots movement for a just transition to a low carbon economy for the Hunter Region.