Co-opted Treasurer

Sandra O’Sullivan Co-opted Treasurer Sandra O’Sullivan has been the co-opted Treasurer of Cancer Voices NSW since 2001. She joined Cancer Voices following her father’s prostate cancer diagnosis that same year, and was involved in the early years of the organisation as a member of the Executive Committee. Sandra advises on matters related to the finance…

Committee Member

Beverley Noble Committee Member Bev Noble joined Cancer Voices NSW in 2000 and has been a member of the Executive Committee since 2006. Her personal experience includes as a carer for her late husband who was treated for multiple cancers. Bev herself was diagnosed and treated for breast cancer in 1999-2000. Her particular interest is…

Committee Member

Phil Mendoza-Jones Committee Member Phil Mendoza-Jones joined the CVN Executive Committee in 2022. He was diagnosed with colon cancer in 2004. Unfortunately, precise dosage of a new chemotherapy wonder drug was experimental and gave Phil CIPN (Chemotherapy Induced Peripheral Neuropathy). Phil’s surgeon invited him to help encourage men to be screened for bowel cancer, which…

Committee Member

Sarah Lukeman Committee Member Sarah Lukeman joined the Executive Committee in 2017. Her personal experience with cancer began in 2006 when she was diagnosed with a rare form of acute leukaemia and participated in a clinical trial. Her particular interest is advocacy for regional cancer voices and their inclusion in research and clinical trials. Sarah’s…

Committee Member

Lillian Leigh Committee Member Lillian Leigh joined the Executive Committee in 2015. Since living with a rare lung cancer diagnosis in 2014, Lillian has applied her consumer advocacy skills in the health sector. Her current interests in her Cancer Voices involvement include equity in health care, access to cancer treatments, and consumer involvement in translational…

Committee Member

Kathryn Leaney Committee Member Kathryn Leaney joined the Executive Committee in 2019. She has been formatting the Cancer Voices Newsletter since 2014 and has been the Consumer Involvement in Research (CIR) Program Manager since 2021. Her personal experience with cancer started with her own diagnosis and treatment for breast cancer in 2012. Her particular interest…

Committee Member

Roberta Higginson Committee Member Biographical details not provided Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure…

Deputy Chairperson & Secretary

Murray McLachlan Deputy Chairperson & Secretary Murray McLachlan joined the Executive Committee in 2016. He has been a deputy chair since 2017. His personal experience with cancer has included the death of his long term partner from pancreatic cancer in 2007, and successful surgical intervention for his prostate cancer in 2009. His particular interests include…

Elisabeth Kochman Chairperson Elisabeth Kochman joined Cancer Voices NSW in 2000 and became a member of the Executive Committee in 2003. She was deputy chair for a number of years before becoming Chair in 2017. Her personal experience with cancer has included with family members as well as her own experience with breast cancer in…