New Online Fact Sheet from Cancer Council: Understanding Secondary Liver Cancer (June 2022).
Cancer Council has developed a new resource to support people who have been diagnosed with secondary liver cancer – this is cancer that has spread from another part of the body to the liver. In Australia, this is a more common diagnosis than cancer than starts in the liver (primary liver cancer).
The Understanding Secondary Liver Cancer fact sheet answers a range of questions that people with this type of metastasis may have, including:
- What is secondary liver cancer?
- What are the symptoms and how are they managed?
- How is secondary liver cancer diagnosed?
- What are the treatments?
The fact sheet also includes a list of questions that people may want to ask their doctor.
Information on both primary and secondary liver cancer was previously included in the one booklet (Understanding Cancer in the Liver) but this potentially added to confusion around these different types of cancer. The new edition of Understanding Liver Cancer now covers only primary liver cancer.
The online-only Understanding Secondary Liver Cancer fact sheet is available to download as a PDF or to view as web content on your computer, smartphone or tablet.