HCNSW 2023 Partnership Workshop and AGM

On Friday 20 October, Cancer Voices joined Board members, staff, other voting members and individual members of Health Consumers NSW at the joint Board and Consumer Taskforce Workshop. Attendees met in person and online to celebrate achievements in the financial year 2022/2023. The day comprised of a workshop which included discussion on the the NSW…

Health Consumers NSW celebrates 10 years plus 1!

Health Consumers NSW (HCNSW), of which Cancer Voices NSW was a founding member, celebrated its tenth anniversary ‘plus one’ on Friday, 18 November 2022. As it was not possible for people to gather together last year because of the pandemic, HCNSW presented a ‘showcase’ of its recent activity to highlight the role it plays as…

Include patients’ perspectives in permanent telehealth decisions now

JUST RELEASED! Include patients’ perspectives in permanent telehealth decisions now A consumer-led consultation project by Health Consumers NSW’s COVID-19 Consumer Leaders Taskforce Navigating Telehealth: – the patients’ perspective and an accompanying background report, calling on decision-makers to include patients, families and carers in discussions and decisions about permanent telehealth services in Australia was released on…