Registration now open!
The 2024 Cancer Symposium will connect cancer researchers across the UNSW network, various LHDs and MRIs in an aim to facilitate new collaborations and generate new ideas across our campuses and institutes.
The program as at 24 May comprises four sessions which will include a series of short presentations from prominent UNSW researchers followed by a facilitated discussion with Q&A featuring
- Prof. Roger Reddel AO, Director of CMRI and Lorimer Dods Professor of The University of Sydney
- Prof. Jeff Dunn AO, UICC President and Chair of Cancer Survivorship UniSQ and
- Prof. Emma Kirby, Associate Dean Societal Impact, Equity and Engagement for the Faculty of Arts, Design and Architecture (ADA) as well as
- A/ Prof. Marina Pajic, Program Director – Translational Oncology / Laboratory Head – Personalised Cancer Therapeutic.
Themes for the sessions as follows:
- Session 1: Across the lifespan
- Session 2: Across the translational pathway – ‘from bench to bedside‘
- Session 3: Across the care continuum
- Session 4: Best of the best PhD and ECMR abstracts – rapid fire presentations
Free for everyone to attend.
Registration is now open
Venue: NSW Teachers Federation Conference Centre, Surry Hills
Time: 8.30am – 6.00pm