From ACTA – The Australian Teletrials Experience – hear the November webinar

From Australian Clinical Trials Alliance (ACTA) – 12 December The Australian Teletrial Experience: Tales from the Frontline The Australian Teletrial Experience webinar, held last month, attracted great engagement with almost 130 attendees online. The event provided a platform for esteemed speakers to share their valuable experiences and insights on the challenges, hurdles, and successes encountered…

Australian Clinical Trials Awards

The ACTA (Australian Clinical Trials Alliance) 2022 Clinical Trials National Tribute and Awards Ceremony was held on 20 May at the University of Sydney with online access. The Minister for Health, the Hon Brad Hazzard acknowledged the intrinsic value of clinical trials to underpin the health system, the capability and skills in NSW and how…

20 May, International Clinical Trials Day: National Tribute and Award Ceremony

The Australian Clinical Trials Alliance (ACTA), together with event partners MTPConnect, Bellberry and Medicines Australia, and supporters, the National Health and Medical Research Centre (NHMRC), CT:IQ (Clinical Trials: Thinking Smarter), Medical Technology Association of Australia (MTAA), and Research Australia, hosted the Clinical Trials 2021 National Tribute & Awards Ceremony on 20 May 2021 to mark…